Monday, June 23, 2008

Sheer Bloody Mindedness.

I Feel a bit better now. I’m pretty sure I think I might’ve actually finished ALL the welding.
This weekend went mad, got very little rest and inexplicably managed to get all of everything I wanted done. Needless to say I have again re-written Seb’s second law of Boat, the old Success = Energy x Time (squared) equation. I have a severely sunburned left arm from a few minutes welding without my leather sleeves on and I spent the last few hours battling with my large grinder and swearing a lot; so am covered in scrapes, burns and bruises but appear to have nailed it, and have just surfaced after a long, long bath. So while I dry out here are some pictures of the finished topsides, which suddenly look not too bad after all .


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Seb

Way to go....

It will be worth it in the end.



10:15 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey dearest son Sebsy,

Give yourself a break and take a heart from these two Steve chaps who have given you the greatest of accolades and pat you and yourself and Becky and all your family and friends without whom da de da de da you could not have done without and who have kept you on your course both straight and narrow and crooked and unaligned and all those who have taken an interest, strangers and some not so stange, and thank your Maker that you are alive and struggling with the true Meaning of Life and try to realise that you have achieved a percentage towards your shared dream, which will all come true and one day not so far from today you will be in your boat and on your boat and surrounded by water and you will be able to say in pirate speak or boaty speak "Cheers my hearties" and maybe sing a watery ballad as you down a pinta beer or summat stronger and I hope that I will be able to see you and Becky all aboard!!

I've been there on that boat and all I can say is that the latest pictures without paint are BEAUTIFUL and I accept that I don't like to see you looking like the latest photo..... get your hair and beard trimmed . .... it will make the world of difference (ask my partner about this!!!!) and take a glass or demi-bouteille of vin rouge and you'll feel a whole world of difference.... AND TAKE A HOLIDAY via Orkneys, Denmark, Germany, Belgium, Alsace, Bourgogne Centre and get your self here to Potou-Charentes to see the most beautiful of verandahsal in materiaux anciens. Houses, boats......... they all suck you dry but they all give the most pleasure for achievement against all the odds. You have skills, talents, expertise , experience that I envy. No one can take it away from you. Yes you feel like a pile of poo.....don't beat yourself ..........But hey you have such success! CONGRATULATIONS
Esta mi hija et est mi madre and I AM VERY VERY PROUD!!!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

9:20 pm  

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